
Preparing in Christ

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About This Phase

This is where the work of preparation begins, both in the community as well as with your church members. In the community, do service-oriented activities that bring positive exposure to your church, without focusing on preaching or sharing your beliefs yet. Inside the church, get your evangelism cycle going by training members on how to find and then nurture spiritual interest.

Customize your evangelism cycle

What can I do?

  • Community service projects

  • Health screenings

  • Fair booth, harvest festival booth, etc.

  • Volunteer at soup kitchens, food banks, etc.

  • Gardening and cooking classes

  • Feeding the homeless

  • Finance seminar

  • Compassion-type outreach

  • Disaster response (as needed, given natural unpredictability)

  • Establish or renew focus on your Bible School

    • Discover Bible School Handbook and training resources

    • Online Discover Bible School

  • Conduct a Bible work training seminar

    • Contact us to request a VOP trainer for your event

  • Church training

    • Shop Talk videos

Resources for this phase

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